District Wheelchair Project

District 7570 receives $21,000 matching grant from The Wheelchair Foundation.

Inez Rodenburg Danville After-hours in Mexico

District 7570 gets Wheelchair Matching Grant

Meet Juan, he is one of over 2000 people in the Caribbean and Central and South America with mobility issues you helped over the past seven years through the District 7570 Wheelchair program. He will be joining us at the District Conference. The Wheelchair Foundation has recently given District 7570 a $21,000 matching grant to provide a container of wheelchairs. When matched the total project will provide 280 wheelchairs for those in need. The program will work through a Rotary club in the country to receive the wheelchairs. They will be responsible for in-country logistics and identifying people who need wheelchairs. Rotarians from our district will be invited to fly to the designated country and participate in the distribution of the wheelchairs.

Donations are tax-deductible to individuals; however, since the program does not go through the Rotary Foundation there are no Paul Harris credits.

Contributions can be sent to the district treasurer or made online through The Wheelchair Foundation website.

Go to www.wheelchairfoundation.org then click “give” then “online donation” then “Donate to” select “Rotary Dist. 7570 Wheelchair Project.”

A donation of $75 will provide a wheelchair and give the “gift of mobility” to people like Juan.