Foundation Advocates

Each Area in Rotary District 7570 should have a RI Foundation Advocate identified by July 1 of each year. A Foundation Advocate’s key responsibility is to assist the Area Governor (AG) in educating the clubs on all matters pertaining to The Rotary Foundation (TRF). They should form a good working relationship with the Club Presidents in their Area. If possible, the Foundation Advocate will attend the foundation portion of President Elect Learning Session (PELS), District Team Training (DTTS) and Club Team Training (CTT) Zoom sessions. They should also attend the AG meetings with the club presidents.

Advocates are identified by the AG as a Rotarian who strongly supports TRF. They are approved by the District Governor-Elect before the year begins. They work closely with the District Rotary Foundation chair (DRFC). They are appointed each Rotary year but may serve multiple years in this role.

Rotary Foundation Advocates Job Description 2024-25

Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Be able to successfully explain the impact and benefits of the TRF to someone who knows nothing of the Foundation
  • Help area clubs recruit members for the Polio Plus Society
  • Assist clubs to increase their Foundation and PolioPlus giving
  • Offer to meet with or present to area clubs about TRF, particularly in November, which is Foundation month
  • Know what is contained in the Gold Club and Club Excellence Award (Rotary Citation) criteria pertaining to TRF
  • Create a relationship with club Foundation chairs in your area
  • Understand and be able to explain how the Foundation points system works, and what the different giving levels are
  • Assist clubs in making their Foundation donations
  • Support the district by attending the District Conference
  • Understand the difference between TRF, the District Foundation and any local club foundation
  • Encourage Rotarians to sign up for Rotary Direct
  • Complete courses in the RI Learning Center that pertain to TRF
  • Be an active member of the District’s Foundation committee led by the DRFC
  • Attend Zoom calls scheduled by the District Rotary Foundation chair (DRFC)
  • Attend monthly Zone 33-34 Foundation webinars


Theodore D. Soliday
Mt. Jackson-Edinburg
Area 2 Foundation Advocate
Nancy L. Whitlock
Area 4 Foundation Advocate
Traci Blido
Area 5 Foundation Advocate
Rebecca C. Beamer
Area 11 Foundation Advocate
Katie McIntyre Tewell
Front Royal
Area 1 Foundation Advocate
Cassie L. Mowbray
Rockingham County
Area Foundation Advocate
Morgan E Clark
Danville-After Hours
Area 7 Foundation Advocate
Beverley Atwell
Area 10 Foundation Advocate
Cynthia Widener Winn
Johnson City
Area 14 Foundation Advocate
Don Nichols II
Area 6Foundation Advocate
Mike Jones
Area 9 Foundation Advocate
Jennifer A. Salyer
Area 13 Foundation Advocate

Foundation Donations and Points Transfer:

To submit contributions to the Rotary Foundation use the DaCdb Report 2.10

  • Login to the DACdb
  • Click the My CLUB tab
  • Click the Reports icon
  • In the left menu click Club Reports
  • Click report: 2.10 – The Rotary FOUNDATION Transmittal (TRF)
  • If Honorary members are contributing, be sure to check Honoraryv
  • Click the upper right VIEW icon
  • Fill in the member donation(s)
  • Be sure to check Annual Fund-SHARE
  • Click the yellow button: [Process Page and E-mail to FOUNDATION Chairs]
  • Place the printout and a check in an envelope using the address at the bottom of the page
  • Done!

To request the transfer of Recognition Points use the form in the Foundation Documents below.
Note: This can be eMailed to:

Foundation Videos:

Virtual Inspirational Journey with Rotary Foundation Trustee Geeta Manek

Creating Your Own Personal Rotary Legacy

November 28, 2022 | District 7570 Legacy Campaign Kickoff – click here – Passcode: 5TQ0@@9U

March 27, 2023 | Gifts using Retirement Accounts, Stocks, and Donor Advised Funds – click here – Passcode: WJ^2$^4p

April 24, 2023 | Creating Your Rotary Legacy: What is a Bequest? – click here – Passcode: y%m$8307

June 26, 2023 | What is a Named Endowed Fund? – click here – Passcode: APMm8E5?

Foundation Downloads:

Your Legacy, Rotary’s Promise (.pptx)

Paul Harris Fellow Recognition Transfer Request Form

Rotary Foundation Reference Guide

Rotary Foundation Recognition Points Fact Sheet

Rotary Foundation Recognition Opportinities


Foundation Funding Model Presentation

ERAY (Every Rotarian Every Year) Club Presentation