Christmas is a special time of giving and service for the Rotary Club of Broadway Timberville. Each year, club members join together to shop for gifts for children from the schools in the Broadway Timberville area and individual members of the club play “secret Santa” for some of the people supported by Pleasant View Inc. The club also donates $500 to each of the area schools for their backpack and hunger programs.
A school in our area identifies 20 children from families who will not be able to give the children gifts for Christmas. On a Saturday in early December, Rotarians get together and go shopping for gifts, spending about $1500. After the fun of shopping together for others, the group meets for a wonderful time of fellowship at Thomas Restaurant in Dayton, Va.
Soon after the club’s founding in 2004, Rotarians became aware that many of the people supported by Pleasant View, Inc. (PVI), a nonprofit supporting individuals who have developmental disabilities, missed out on gifts for Christmas morning. Due to institutionalization or other issues, many adults who have disabilities have lost their families connections. PVI staff members identify individuals who will receive little or nothing to open on Christmas morning, and the Rotarians take a name and shopping list to be their Santa. These beautifully wrapped presents are taken to each individual’s home where they wait for Christmas morning. The joy they bring is beyond description, for the individuals who have disabilities and also each Rotarian who gives a gift!
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